The Contract Manufacturing Alliance (The Contract Packaging Association and the Co-Packing Network) work with a-number of communities with the common goal of helping start-up and emerging consumer brands:
- Contract Manufacturing
- CPG Technology Groups
- Trade Associations
- State Departments of Agriculture
- Commercial Kitchens
- CPG Incubators & Accelerators
- Pilot Plants
- Colleges and Universities
- Food Innovation Centers
- SBDC Offices / Offices
- Packaging & Ingredient Suppliers
- VC and Crowd-Funding Groups
- Customers (Retail, Food Service)
- Farmer’s Markets
* Our Contract Manufacturer Roster is Over 40,000
The Contract Manufacturing Alliance(especially the Contract Packaging Association) welcome new and existing technology partners that are ideal for contract manufacturers, pilot plants, commercial kitchens, start-up and emerging brands and others in the industry.
The Contract Manufacturing Alliancecurrently is involved with consumer product industry incubators and accelerators and continue to add others to their roster. We all have the same goals of helping start-up and emerging brands.
The Contract Manufacturing Alliancehas a roster of university based food innovation centers it has history with (ex: UNL, Rutgers, Cornell) as well is creating a complete college and university incubation template to help others with their consumer product programs.
The Contract Manufacturing Alliancehas Food Innovation Centersto its roster of manufacturing types. We are working with Food Innovation Centers as a resource for their needs working with start-up and emerging brands.
The Contract Manufacturing Alliancehas been advising start-up and emerging brands how to work with crowdfunding platforms (ex: Kickstarter and Indiegogo) as well as funding groups (ex Kickfurther). We will continue to add funding resources to our rosters.
The Contract Manufacturing Alliance’sfounders have over 35-years working directly with retail and food service customers (including distributors). We work with chains and distributors frequently helping introduce new vendors for them to preview.